How do I upgrade/change my account?

We have made quite a few changes in May 2022. For an overview of those changes check out the Embracing Change article.  We'd love to have you as a full Yearly/Monthly subscribing member. 

We appreciate you being part of the community and we are looking forward to thriving and growing together.  

Why do I have a free account?

There are a few reasons why your OutBüro account is set to a free membership. While logged in, access your site subscription and account dashboard by clicking Membership in the main menu.

1. All site members as of May 2022 were assigned to a free-level membership.

2. Your yearly/monthly subscription has lapsed - potentially your billing information needs to be updated.

3. When registering for a yearly/monthly subscription, your payment was not fully processed, and/or you may have navigated away from the payment process prior to the transaction completing.

What does a free-level membership provide?

Access to all site articles/blog and 7 restricted page views a month.

What does a yearly/monthly membership provide?

Full site access. See other yearly/monthly subscription page and knowledge base articles for more information.

Steps to Upgrade

To upgrade your free account to a yearly/monthly full access subscription follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Free member account.
  2. From the site’s top menu, choose Membership. If accessing it on a smartphone the main menu is the hamburger menu in the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Select the Subscriptions link at the top of the Membership dashboard.
  4. Select Change plan next to Action.
  5. Make your choice.
  6. Complete the subscription payment information using our payment processor PayPal.
  7. When completed and successful payment/subscription is processed you will receive a confirmation message.
  8. After refreshing your Membership dashboard screen you should see the new subscription is active.

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